History Lessons

Sunday, January 27, 2002 - 1:00pm
Tivoli Theatre at Manor Square

Filmmaker Barbara Hammer looked back into film history to find evidence of lesbians, and what see found makes up one of the freshest women's documentaries in a long, long while. Says PlanetOut.com: "Hammer takes everything from newsreel footage, music, and vintage lesbian porn, and cut it into a hard-hitting, visually enchanting, highly fun art piece that makes you thinkg ever woman who walked down an American avenue was a dyke, a potential dyke, or just damned wished she could be a dyke".


Official HISTORY LESSONS Website






The Kansas City Gay & Lesbian Film Festival is a special project of The Kansas City Arts Initiative, Inc.,
a 501(c)3, non-profit arts service organization presenting cultural and educational
programming which reflect the diversity of our community.

4330 Holly, Kansas City, Missouri, 64111
Phone: 816/960-4636 - Fax 425/696-9484